I absolutely hate this washer. I've owned it for 18 months now and every time I use it I regret the purchase. Here are some of the reasons I hate it.
1. It uses waaaaay too little water. When I bought it the salesman told me that the machine fills to the top of the clothes plus 1 gallon. That is simply not true. The clothes stick out above the top of the water by 9 inches. The water level is slightly adjustable by the soil level setting but this only changes the level by an inch or two. I have experimented for hours to try to increase the water level the machine is determined to keep the level low probably so that they can get their highest-level energy star rating. Now you may think that it is a good thing for it to use too little water but when you see how harsh it is on your clothes (item 2 below) and how wrinkled the clothes get (item 4 below) you will change your mind.
2. It is extremely harsh on clothes. When I bought it the salesman told me that the machine is more gentle than older style agitator machines. That is completely untrue. This washer pills clothes visibly with every single wash. Brand new towels appear old and worn after a few washes. Here is why it is so harsh. The clothes throughout the load are wet but they are not submerged in water. Only the bottom of the load is submerged in water. The washer tries to pull the clothes up and down into and out of the water at the bottom. It does so by twisting and spinning them, similar to the way clothes are twisted when you wring them out. This is harmful for clothes. When clothes are submerged in water (as in older washers) the water acts as a cushion against rubbing. The water is moved by the agitator and the clothes glide around in it. The higher the water-to-clothes ratio the more gentle it is on the clothes. The lower the water-to-clothes ratio, the more tightly the clothes are packed and the more abrasive the rubbing is. This washer is the most extreme case of a low water-to-clothes ratio because the clothes aren't even submerged at all. They are wet and rubbing hard against one another. To make matters worse the wringing action, which is done very tightly, is very harmful for anything but the sturdiest of fabrics. Imagine taking a wet shirt and twisting it as hard as you can from end to end in a wringing action. This is what clothes endure during each load.
3. There is no way to wash delicates in this washer. For all the reasons mentioned in 2, there is no setting on this washer that is acceptable for delicate clothes. The handwash cycle on this washer is much harsher than the normal cycle was on my old washer. None of my work clothes can tolerate it.
4. Clothes come out incredibly wrinkled, twisted, and knotted. As mentioned in 2, this washer needs to twist and knot items to move them in and out of the water. When the load is done they remain this way. Bras are all knotted together in one giant mess that takes forever to undo. I have to first shake items out to untwist them and then dry them on a higher heat setting than I would otherwise use to get the wrinkling out. Use of the lower-speed spin cycle doesn't really help much because the problem is largely due to the washing portion of the cycle. The high-speed spin cycle only sets the twisting in even harder.
5. There is no way to change washer settings after the load has started. How many times have you started a load and then decided, "oops I'd rather use handwash" or "I'd rather use high-speed spin after all". Well forget about changing your mind on this washer. This washer goes through an extensive calibration cycle at the beginning of each load to figure out how much water to use. The calculations it does during this time are based on the cycle settings such as soil level, load type, etc. It can't let you change settings once the calibration cycle has started because its calculations will get messed up. Maytag says that all you need to do is press cancel and restart but what makes this so incredibly annoying is that cancel drains all the water from the washer. It often happens to me that I want to change settings after the washer is partly full of water plus soap. To make a setting change I have to throw away the entire load of water and soap. You wouldn't believe the amount of water I've wasted because of needing to press cancel.
6. The soak cycle wastes water and soap because once the soak cycle is complete there is no way to continue using the same water to complete a wash. It gives you no option but to drain the entire tub after the soak cycle. Then when you want to wash you have to refill it again and add more soap.
7. The calibration cycle takes a long time. As mentioned in 5, this washer goes through an extensive calibration cycle at the beginning of each load to figure out how much water to use. It takes about 5 minutes and makes the cycle take that much longer with the only benefit that it is deciding on the "optimal" amount of water to use. I would much rather have the level manually selectable and the cycle 5 minutes shorter.
8. The electronic smarts are very limiting and annoying. The salesman told me "this washer is so great that it won't allow you to damage your delicates". What he meant is that the washer limits your options depending on what cycle you have selected. So for example, if you have the washer set to the handwash agitation, it won't let you use high-speed spin or let you use warm water. Or if you use the soak cycle it wont let you use hot water. Or if you use the soak cycle there is no way to get delicate agitation. There is no way to override their setting limits. How ridiculous! I know better than some engineer at Maytag what options are appropriate for me. To think that they advertise this as a feature?!?
9. The lid locks. Sometimes when washing delicates I like to be able to keep the lid open during agitation so that I can assist with special pieces. This washer won't allow any cycle to continue with the lid open although I did find a way to bypass the lid lock function.
There is only one positive thing about this washer. I like the glass lid because it lets me see how harshly the washer is twisting my clothes.
Some reviewers here have commented that maybe I did not properly follow the instructions about how to distribute clothes within the washer. That is not true. I read and follow the instructions perfectly it doesn't help.
The first day after I got this washer I tried to return it but the store wouldn't take it back. I called Maytag and begged them to tell me how to increase the water level. I tried to pay a service person to increase the water level. I kept being told there is absolutely no way to increase the water level.
I am an electrical engineer and I got so frustrated with Maytag that I spent about 8 hours working out a way to make the water level on this washer adjustable. It requires adding a potentiometer (variable resistor) to the control board that is accessible from the top of the washer. The potentiometer adds an offset of water to the level. Right now I have it set to add an extra 10 inches of water so that the clothes are completely but just barely submerged. It makes a huge difference in wear and tear on clothes and makes the handwash cycle usable. The washer is now just barely bearable. If you want to use my technique for adjusting water level, email me at sueonline@gmail.com and I'd be more than happy to share the method with you (for free). I even have pictures showing the control board modification.
UPDATE: During the past 12 months I have recieved about 500 emails from people who purchased this washer and are searching online for how to increase the water level. They come across my review and email me. I hear the same story over and over again from them. They bought this washer and hate it fiercely and want help increasing the water level. I am including below some examples of the email responses I've gotten to my review. I have not edited these emails these are the exact words of others.
"I was so happy to find your review of the Maytag Bravos washer on Amazon. I too have this washer and share the same frustrations. I have missed my "old fashioned" washer since the first wash! My family and I spent the holidays with family out of state who had a machine that actually fills up with water and allows you to manipulate settings. This was the highlight of my vacation...lol!"
"We read your review on the Bravos Maytag washing maching and totally agree. I have had mine about the same amount of time and I am completed frustrated. It just doesn't wash the clothing. If you would be so kind as to send us your fix, we would greatly appreciate it. My husband is a mechanical engineer and will happily rip into it; otherwise, I may just go back to my old machine in the basement."
"I agree with your entire post! I never thought to ask can I soak clothes in this produce? I have tried to soak socks and there was not enough water to cover them. This washer and dryer pair does not work as advertised. Could you please send the water adjustment and computer map."
"Hello,I read your review on amazon.com and would really appreciate your information on how to increase the water level. I bought the machine 5 days ago and completely agree with your review."
"Kudos to you for a comprehensive break-down of frustration of the Maytag BRAVOS! Bravo for nothing this machine is the bane of my existence. It is ruining our clothes and gone are the days when we could simply dry laundry on the line now every last bit has to be 'fluffed' in the dryer to remove the annoying wrinkles! If you would kindly provide the details of how you 'outsmarted' your maching re: water level, that would be great!"
"could you please send me your instructions on how to fix my piece of junk washing machine?... is this something that i could have an electrician fix easily?... thanks so much for your help..."
"Your description of the water level problem is almost word for word my own, ion all its detail. If you can help, I would like to try to make the fix -assuming a simple home workshop kind of guy can do it with your help."
"Thank you so much for your Amazon review of the Bravos....I am not an engineer but I could have written your review! Dear Dumb Engineers at Maytag Who Have Never Apparently Done Laundry In Your Lives: WATER CUSHIONS THE CLOTHES!!!!!! WATER RINSES THE SOAP OFF!!!!! WATER HELPS REMOVE THE DIRT!!!!!! This washer is like taking your clothes to the river and beating them on a rock. My garden hose is outside the laundry room door; I have considered filling the washer myself! I have problems with stains, smells, towels getting "pulls". Delicate? Handwash? Good luck! And why does the "soak" cycle agitate?!!!"
"I saw online your review of the Bravos XL washing macine. We share you critic of this Maytag model. Could you please email us as to how you modified the Maytag to allow a higher water fill level. It would be much appreciated. I would like to modify the Maytag to make it useable. Thanks in advance."
"Thanks for the post on Amazon about the Brovos XL Washer. I'm very frustrated with all the points you laid out. If I could increase the water level that would be a great benefit and maybe I can live with the forced settings."

I agree on a number of points w/the original author. My clothing was quite twisted. Also, I simply LOVE when a salesperson tells you the water level adjusts to "your load". That statement has proven to be BS. Given these issues, I still love this washer compared to the devil spawn front loading Bosch I had. THAT machine drove me mad for 6+ years. Nothing is as good as the old days when appliances lasted 15-20 years. This is the first time I've actually purchased an extended warranty on a stinkin' washer/dryer because I don't trust ANYTHING available to the average consumer these days. Pretty pathetic, considering the cost of appliances nowadays and their nonsensical "energy" saving features. These so called energy saving features are pretty much useless.
Buy Maytag MVWB950YG Bravos 4.6 Cu. Ft. GraniteTop Load Washer - Energy Star Now
In replacing our Whirlpool washer, we decided to try a trusted name in the industry, Maytag, for our next purchase. What a huge disappointed from the Maytag I owned 15 years ago. The washer is suppose to save money by using less water and result in reduced drying time. The only thing this washer does is stain clothes because the detergent doesn't adequately distribute during the wash cycle. Also, it is very hard on clothes even in the delicate cycle. I have tried every tip in the manual to try and get better results but no luck. This is absolutely the worst appliance I have ever owned and so regret my purchase 6 months ago. My daughter purchased the same model at the same time and also has the same complaints. If you are looking for half cleaned clothes that are twisted to pieces, this is the machine for you. AWFUL MACHINE....save your money and frustration. Maytag should be ashamed to put their name on this piece of junk!!!!!
Read Best Reviews of Maytag MVWB950YG Bravos 4.6 Cu. Ft. GraniteTop Load Washer - Energy Star Here
Love this machine. The only con is the water level is controlled by the machine and that sucks. As far as I know that`s true of all the new models. It is the stupidest idea in the world. My last Maytag I controlled the water level. Other wise it`s great. Clean clothes-a timer to know then it`s done. Some reviews complain about the balance factor. That depends on the idiot that installs it. It does not a have a balance problem if a competent delivery person sets it up right. My old Maytag got out of balance when we moved it. This new one added the fabric softener just right. It washes them clean and doesn`t tear them up. Gentle and delicate clothes get clean. Bells and whistles for everything. I suggest you check the other reviews at different stores. Most are positive.
Want Maytag MVWB950YG Bravos 4.6 Cu. Ft. GraniteTop Load Washer - Energy Star Discount?
Horrible washer, not enough water for clothes, twisted clothes, holes in t-shirts.
I had a Neptune front loader that had a class action suit and it was 20X better than this washer!
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