- Built-in under counter ice maker includes built-in drain pump
- Produces 32 lbs. of crystal clear cubes per day
- Internal storage capacity of 25 lbs. of ice
- Internal ice bucket is removable for easy cleaning
- Seamless full wrap stainless steel door with matching handle and toe-kick
Buy Silhouette Select Built-In Under Counter Ice Maker Now
I purchased this ice maker thinking it would work fine in our bar. The price was so much cheaper than others that we were looking at and I really didnt want to spend a lot on this appliance. But now Im kicking myself. This may be a $1000 waste unless I can unload it on Craigslist. In my case, I just dont think I can live with it. If you are putting this in a garage or isolated closet it will probably function okay. It makes ice fine. Here are my issues with it:1. Although the cube size is just right for me, one in three sheets do not break apart. Therefore, every time you reach in for ice you will be required to stab the sheets with the scooper to break them up. Not a huge deal, but really annoying after a while. The solid sheets are always on top because they dont fall as far. Again, "every" time you reach in.
2. It runs constantly. Because it is not as heavily insulated, the ice melts away quicker meaning more run time, more water. It runs constantly throughout the day.
3. My biggest complaint and the reason we cant live with this, is it is LOUD! it is louder than our dishwasher by far. We have this unit in our bar, built in under the counter. But Im telling you it is very loud! Since the ice melts quickly you constantly hear the water spraying inside to fill the reservoir. Then the water trickles over the metal plate and drips back into the reservoir as its making cubes. loud loud loud. like an outdoor water fountain. Again, imagine your dishwasher running with the kitchen sink spraying constantly, then you'll get the idea. Sometimes its better to pay up a bit and in this case I think it would have been a MUCH wiser decision for us. If you plan on putting this unit inside your house, I strongly recommend you look elsewhere.
Read Best Reviews of Silhouette Select Built-In Under Counter Ice Maker Here
This is a very low quality ice maker. It is a complete waste of money, time and effort. The ice is very wet because it never seems to get cold enough. It doesn't break apart into actual cubes, it just drops sheets of ice and you have to break it apart yourself. It is extremely LOUD. Once it is full of wet half melted ice, the temperature just shuts off and all of it melts. Then you are left with a big tub of water that you have to lift out and dump. I returned the first one I had thinking it was a lemon, but the second one did the same thing. I am now upgrading to a different brand. There is a reason that this is half the price of most ice makers, please don't waste your time.Want Silhouette Select Built-In Under Counter Ice Maker Discount?
All the previous reviews are spot on. This product is inefficient. The ice melts at a rapid rate, so the machine is almost always running and using water. Compounding the fact that it always runs, when it does run, it is extremely LOUD! It is very annoying in a big open kitchen/dining area/living room. We thought we may have a faulty item, but the tech said this was the way it was designed and it was working properly. Stay away from this product as it is a complete piece of junk and waste of money!!!agree with others. just plugged it in last night. The instruction manual is 2nd grade. misspelled words and the icon to select "size of cube" actually says, "Amount of Ice" and picture show a half empty bucket...called customer service and they set me straight on what the selection were for (size of cubes). nit picky I know, but poor manuals tells you something about the product. I also constantly hear the thing running (loud), the cubes are "wet", and you have to smash the sheets of ice. I called customer service and he said just use the scoop to smash the ice. really, I paid almost $1,000 for this and a cheap refrigerator can make separate ice cubes and this thing can't?seriously, don't waste your money, go somewhere else.
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