Sunday, July 6, 2014

GE SmartWater Filter Cartridge (MWF, GWF), 2-Pack

GE SmartWater Filter Cartridge, 2-PackThese GE filters are heavy duty and well made and do the job very well. They actually last longer than the 6 months replacment date, so you can get by with longer as I have used them a year before replacing. The only downside of course is the price.

What can I say? I have a GE refrigerator so these are the ones I had to buy. On the plus side, they are filtering the water nicely. We have a water softener but this has helped the tea kettle we keep filling on wood stove from accumulating too much sediment.

Buy GE SmartWater Filter Cartridge (MWF, GWF), 2-Pack Now

It is essential part in house. It keeps the water clean and it taste much better. I don't have to keep running to market to buy bottles of water.

Read Best Reviews of GE SmartWater Filter Cartridge (MWF, GWF), 2-Pack Here

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