Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thermador : T36BT71FSE 36 Bottom Mount Refrigerator - Stainless Steel

Thermador : T36BT71FSE 36 Bottom Mount Refrigerator - Stainless SteelWhen buying this type of appliance, you expect at least to be operative right out the box. Oh well, I got delivered a unit that had the compressor for the refrigerator non working, so I have not been able to enjoy the unit. I would have believed that the right thing to do is to deliver another new unit in working condition; but not, Thermador says that they have to fix it in the house. That means replacing the compressor and cutting into the line that is sealed from factory. Way to go Thermador;nice way to treat your customers after spending $6,000+ in those units. If you are considering Thermador refrigerators, please buy Sub Zero at the same price; I have not heard of any complains on customer service issues.

This was the perfect refrigerator fit for our kitchen. But after 18 months the refrigerator section stopped working. It took two weeks to get the condenser replaced. Thermador has very poor customer service. I waited a week for their repairman to come out since it is has a 2 year warranty. The man took one look at it and said I needed to call a local repair company in Dallas. So that took another week to get the part and get it working. I also ordered the charcoal filter and ice maker filter from Thermador. They sent some random and incorrect parts like a water inlet??? I have spent almost a month trying to get them to take those parts back without charging me a restock fee or shipping. I can get them on the phone but it's like the Keystone Cops over there. The unit is working now but I don't have a lot of confidence.

The outfit who eventually repaired the unit said it's full of Chinese parts, as are all refrigerators now and basically "they don't make 'em like they used to". I guess I would feel differently about that if I spent $2,000 on the unit versus $8,000.

The only good thing I can say about it is that the size is nice; it is really attractive and it had the french doors, which we needed to fit in our kitchen vs. the subzero which wasn't available.

Buy Thermador : T36BT71FSE 36 Bottom Mount Refrigerator - Stainless Steel Now

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