Tuesday, May 6, 2014

GE WB25X10019 Microwave Halogen Lamp Bulb

GE WB25X10019 Microwave Halogen Lamp BulbI had loads of frustration trying to install these bulbs into my GE microwave to replace the burned out bulbs. I was surprised to find that my microwave required two of these bulbs and not one as I'd assumed prior to removing the back plate and taking out the burned out bulbs. The light is much brighter now and now I am wondering if one bulb was always out on the microwave from the time it was installed. At this price, it's very much cheaper than a service call and if I can install them, anyone can. Best approach I found was to wear rubber gloves (to keep skin oils from sticking to the bulbs). The grip of the rubber glove worked well and now my microwave is good as new. My microwave specified a WB36X10213 bulb and this bulb fit and is a working replacement for that bulb number.

good luck!

When the bulb burned out on my microwave I figured replacement would be easy. I had bought the unit locally at Home Depot so I was certain they would have replacement service parts... They had no idea what I was even asking for, despite being given the microwave's model number and carrying the later version of it on their shelves. They could not even offer to order it for me. :::Sigh::: Ten seconds on Amazon and I had 2 bubs on the way with next day delivery courtesy of Prime. They are exact replacements for the bulbs in the oven and were simple to install.

Buy GE WB25X10019 Microwave Halogen Lamp Bulb Now

Very annoyed with GE for making an unreliable unit that requires you be a contortionist to get to the bulbs to replace them and then using bulbs that are expensive and don't last as long as they are purported to last. We bought the GE profile stove and microwave/hood range almost 3 years ago. Finding the bulbs is a pain in the neck. (Remember when you could walk into any store and get an appliance bulb? No more.) Then it's getting to the screw to unscrew it--without standing on your head or dropping the screw behind the stove. Then it's getting the bulbs out of the sockets--which you can't see without a mirror--and then it's getting the new ones to go in--with or without the aid of a mirror. It's absurd for something that should be so easy and take five seconds to become a serious source of frustration. But $500 and three years later, it's not my problem anymore. Why? Because the microwave itself no longer works. Now you'd think that'd be not such a big deal--it is nearly 3 years old--but here's the thing. We rarely used it. We still have our old one on the counter and continued to use it. This microwave was part of a pay-as-you-go remodel on our kitchen. So we figured we'd wear out the old microwave first. Well, guess what. The new one is dead--shortly after the warranty expired, of course--and the old one is still working fine. It is not a GE. And the one we buy to replace this Profile turkey will not be a GE, either.

So why the 3 star rating? Because Amazon sells the right bulb for the right unit and delivers promptly. That the product is lousy, that GE changed part numbers and the only way we discovered it and what part to get was because Amazon realized this was a handy piece of information for owners of this lousy product to know and provided it when other vendors didn't. And because I appreciate Amazon going that extra mile to let me know what I needed to know when GE didn't bother.

And don't try using the G8 bulbs. They don't fit. You must, of course, buy the GE brand bulbs. $12 worth of bulbs plus shipping for the convenience of having your stove light actually emit light. And this is good, how? Good for GE, certainly not good for owners.

Now ask me if I'll ever trust enough to buy ANYTHING with the name GE on it for my home again. (For what it's worth, the GE PROFILE stove is lousy, too. But that's another review.)

Bottom line: Thumbs up to Amazon. Thumbs down to GE.

Read Best Reviews of GE WB25X10019 Microwave Halogen Lamp Bulb Here

Our microwave sits above the stove and these lights are nice to have. I looked at Sears for replacements and they wanted $15 a piece and I needed 2. So, on Amazon, I was able to find them for $6 each. They were a little tricky to put in the unit, but not impossible. Remember not to touch them with bare hands, the oil from our skin affects the life of the bulb, so I am told.

Want GE WB25X10019 Microwave Halogen Lamp Bulb Discount?

I purchased 3 of these GE original replacement bulbs in the hope that they would last longer than 2 weeks in my GE Microwave vent light, one of them burned out in about 2 weeks but the other one is still burning. This appears to be about the experience I had received from much cheaper bulbs.

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